EUR | 1y | 3y | 5y |
Fund | 2.63 | -5.28 | -4.11 |
Share Class Benchmark | 3.62 | 7.12 | 5.97 |
ISIN Code: | LU0809670986 |
Currency: | EUR |
Unit class: | X CAP |
Asset class: | Fixed Income |
Region: | Global |
Historical data, such as is used for calculating this indicator, may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of this fund. There is no guarantee that the risk indicator will remain unchanged, it may shift over time. The lowest category of risk does not mean that the investment is riskfree. This fund is in this specific risk category because of the behaviour of the product during the measuring period. The overall market risk, taking into account past performances and future potential evolution of the markets, associated with bonds used to reach the investment objective is considered high.
These financial instruments are impacted by various factors. These include, but are not limited to, the development of the financial market, the economic development of issuers of these financial instruments who are themselves affected by the general world economic situation and the economic and political conditions in each country. Expected credit risk, the risk of failure of the issuers of underlying investments is medium. The Sub-Fund’s liquidity risk is set to medium. Liquidity risks may arise when a specific underlying investment is difficult to sell. Moreover, currency fluctuation may impact highly the Sub-Fund’s performance. No guarantee is provided as to the recovery of the initial investment.
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